Struggling To Help Your Church Achieve Its Outreach Potential?

Learn the four steps local church leaders are using to help their church reach new, young families.


Did you know that most pastors never feel they have reached their community outreach possibilities?

Learn how to actually equip your team for the work of the ministry!

Prerequisites and Application

As Seen on Social Media 


You Can Reach Your Community!

Learn the formula to bring folks back to the local church:

  • Unify and get your congregation all on the same page
  • Recruit and mobilize volunteers for the work of the ministry
  • Learn the secrets of low cost social media impact 
  • Diversify your your outreach efforts to create local church momentum
  • Enjoy the life of leading of a flourishing New Testament local church!

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

With "Back-to-Church" Four-Step Method, you’ll learn how to finally experience  healthy growth and a bright future.

Application and Enrollment Info

In The Next 6 Months, You Could…

  • Finally be unstuck and moving forward again
  • Have momentum on your side
  • Be reaching your Jerusalem 

The right training and implementation is just ahead. We’ll cover it all in ReachKeep "Back-to-Church" Crash Course.


ReachKeep "Back-to-Church" Crash Course

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You Are Ready To Take Control of Your Outreach Future?

This 8-week crash course will teach you everything you need to know to get out of "stuck" and begin moving forward wit reaching, new young families. You’ll learn how to:

  • Build and maintain local church momentum
  • Create amazing Sundays that reach and keep new families
  • Bring in those who have drifted away during COVID

With a simple shift in your mindset and some smart ministry practices, you could start reaching the community in the ways you have always desired!

Continue Your Education with Coaching-Based Training!

This 8-week crash course includes:

  • Approximately 2 months of intense training and action steps
  • Four, long-format training videos released in a predetermined  schedule
  • Four, deep dive One-on-One Zoom sessions with Mike Holmes 
  • Personalized Q&A and Implementation Sessions
  • Unlimited email and documentation support
  • 60 days for focused training, implementation and improvement! 

With coaching-based training you get the best of academic, video-based continuing education and a personal trainer to help point out your weakness and build upon your strengths!

What's Included In The Crash Course...


The Art of Church Unity

Bring new folks into and family that is loving, kind and focused. This module will help you put together the foundation for great success.

  • Good Communication: Shaping the congregation
  • How to get the "developer focus"
  • Creating a bias for action

You’ll finish this module knowing the single best management tool for building a unified church.


The Secret To Building a Team

With your unity in good shape, we can now work on recruiting new volunteers to the various teams a local church needs to have in place. You will learn:

  • How to make serving contagious
  • How volunteers can save your life
  • Why valuing volunteers is a key to success 

You’ll finish this module with a much better handle on oversight, delegation and vision casting.


Smartly Sowing the Seed

The secret to bringing folks back to church will include a wise use of social media. Here we learn to smartly sow the seed!

  • What is the difference between inbound and outbound promotions?
  • Is my Google, Facebook and website presence effective?
  • What are the best ways to reach the masses for FREE?

You’ll finish this lesson with a healthy to-do list that will be a great investment for the future!


Amazing Harvesting!

For many, the goal is to reach souls in your local community. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Powerful tips for sermon prep
  • The best way to engage your listeners.
  • Church-wide evangelism and people engagement

You’ll finish this module with an outline to transform your Sunday mornings!

This Crash Course Is For You If...

  • You are stuck, high-centered or bogged down
  • You aren’t sure how to move forward
  • Your evangelistic outreach is hobbling 
  • You dream of reaching more young families 
  • You want your church too make an impact

I'm Mike Holmes...

...and I've been using my passion for the local church to help create these practical training resources for my entire career. Join me for some innovative and fresh ideas and let's start reaching new, young families of your community!

I love the local church, but have watched so many of them struggled to stay afloat in these changing times. Everything changed when I realized that I could reach new, young families from my community without compromising my doctrine or beliefs.

I want to show you how!

"I cannot thank you enough for your encouragement!  I am mentally exhausted; but, I literally cried after we disconnected.  Thank you for your encouragement!  I am committed to keep plowing, planting, watering and harvesting for Christ."

- Senior Pastor, Mid-West Suburbs 

"I have been thankful that ReachKeep helps me think outside the box.A big thing has been planning meetings. ReachKeep helps me get passed my mental blocks." 

- Senior Pastor, Affluent Suburb out West


This material is super practical. There is not a lot of this type of teaching out there. On top of this it is all in alignment with Gods will and Word. I super appreciate your ministry to pastors and leaders. Mike has done a great job and obviously has a great passion for the local church.

- Senior Pastor, Central Texas

"We appreciate the passion and enthusiasm Mike Holmes brings when helping to train an effective ministry team. His experience in these areas made for an incredible weekend that my people loved."

- Senior Pastor, Front Range Colorado

"Mike’s incredible capacity to energize church’s like mine with ideas, ministry philosophy, administrative advice, use of social media, and technology has been a tremendous help to us. Who else offers assistance in all those categories? He doesn’t just broadcast videos. He offers live conferences and is more than willing to meet with me and even customizing a video message just for my team. I don’t know how he finds the time to do all that he does, but I am grateful he does!"

- Senior Pastor, Memphis Area

"The Reachkeep training that I have taken part in, has been a blessing to myself and our church. There are several things that I have been able to take from the lessons and directly implement into practice. The challenge to look at every ministry as a way to reach families had changed the conversation of our church. We always wanted to reach families, but now we are thinking about reaching families. We consider how to reach families as a starting point for what we want to accomplish instead of it being a byproduct. Thank you for helping out church!"

- Senior Pastor, Ohio

Are you the ideal candidate  for this high-level, One-on-One coaching program?

A coach works very closely with a local church, its leadership and its ministry teams. To make sure we are good fit for each other, please review the following:

  • Pastors who have some experience in their ministry and are ready to take it to the next level OR pastors who are just getting started but understand the value of getting it right from the beginning.
  • Pastors who see coaching as an investment and place a high premium on getting expert guidance.
  • Pastors who are open to learning new things and enjoy challenging themselves.
  • Pastors who can take action quickly and would rather do what it takes to achieve results now instead of wait for “someday."

Are you NOT the ideal candidate for this high-level, One-on-One coaching program?

Since coaching is like bringing on deacon, an assistant pastor and a leadership mentor all wrapped up in one bundle, every effort needs to be made to ensure everyone is on the same page. Please review the following:

  • Pastors who are “window shopping” for coaches and ideas and are not in need of immediate support.
  • Pastors who are scared, skeptical, or are otherwise ill-equipped to make the decisions needed to get the results their church needs.
  • Pastors who need someone else’s permission to make reasonable changes and financial decisions in their ministry.
  • Pastors who are more concerned about what other churches might think of their program than what is best for their local church's progress.

The "Back-to-Church" Crash Course

Payment Plan


4 monthly payments


Pay In Full


Save $81 Dollars


If you aren’t completely satisfied with "Back-to-Church" Crash Course, let us know within the first 14-days for a full refund. No questions asked.