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The Better Sundays Podcast

The Better Sundays Podcast

Hosted by: Mike Holmes

Focused, practical and usable advice for churches that are looking to reach new, young families and impact their communities.


Part Two-How to Fill Your Church w/People w/o Compromise or Feeling Slimy! Getting Folks in the Door

Season #5

PART TWO: Ten Ways to Fill Your Church with People w/o Compromise of Feeling Slimy! Getting People in the Door. Part One: Take these tips with some hard work and hustle and you can have some amazing Sundays! PART...
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Learn What's Better Than the Trial and Error Method of Church Management- Doing "Right" Things Now!

Season #5

Learn What's Better Than the Trial and Error Method of Church Management- Doing "Right" Things Now! Often times we mistakenly resort to the most inefficient way to run the local church. Trial and error management has...
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What I with I knew better about the pastoral feeding/leading balance. Why leading the flock is hard.

Season #5

What pastors do every week is important, whether it is leading the flock or feeding the flock. Why is it then that leadership skills are often overshadowed by preaching skills? Preaching your way out of every...
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Getting unstuck from ministry problems- Jeep in a Lake Story and a solution for stuckness!

Season #5

There is a terrible feeling when you are not moving forward and you know you should be. Mud holes and snowbanks can certainly slowdown the progress. Sticking your Jeep halfway to an island is a great place to learn...
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Solution-Flavored Sundays- Why being a solution-based, local church matters!

Season #5

New young families will be coming to your church looking for something--a solution! Here is a question for every church leader to think about, What problems will we be solving this coming Sunday? From the sermons to...
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Good Church for Great Church? Does your church have the right mix of these three elements?

Season #5

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How to Do Long Term Thinking in a Short Term World-Why Pastors Should Plant Trees-

Season #5

Local church ministries are often in a deluge of urgent problems. In addition to disasters, counseling issues and outreach needs, it seems those Sundays and Wednesdays keep rolling a round at a regular pace. Somewhere...
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How Pastors Can Kill Weeds

Season #5

When those undesirable, ugly things get growing out of control, a good pastor will get to work. There ae many things that work on removing weeds, but there really is one secret ingredient that every minister can use....
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A Simple Tip for Recruiting Church Volunteers- Helping Church Leadership Create a Volunteer Culture

Season #5

Creating a healthy groupĀ of volunteers is essential for church health. It will also help pastors LIVE LONGER! Seriously, don't burn out. Learn to recruit, manage and motivate volunteers. Ā  Resource Mentioned:...
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How to Be a Better Father Than You Are a Pastor

Season #5

Learn some great things a father can do that a preacher cannot. Be a better Dad! If you are mediocre as a pastor that's okay, just don't be a lousy dad.
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How to Take Bible Verses WAY Out of Context- 3 Tips to Becoming a Heretic and Messing Up a Sermon

Season #5

If you are want to be a first class heretic or just really mess up a sermon, this podcast is for you. Today I am giving three great tips on how to take the Bible and make say what you want it to say! It's easy just...
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How to Help Your Church Volunteers to Be More Committed- How to Fix Unfaithful Volunteers

Season #5

Church leaders struggle with volunteers! Some are awesome giving their tim e talent and treasure and some are frustrating because they lack the faithfulness and commitment that is needed for local church ministry...
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