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The Better Sundays Podcast

The Better Sundays Podcast

Hosted by: Mike Holmes

Focused, practical and usable advice for churches that are looking to reach new, young families and impact their communities.


How One Church Almost Died Because the Pastor Did Everything. --Why Ministry Teams Are So Important

Season #7

How One Church Almost Died Because the Pastor Did Everything. Why Building Ministry Teams is so Important. Stop doing it all. Here three reason to quit carrying all the load and 6 steps to build a team. Resources...
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19 Ways I Failed To Be Ready For Folks to Attend Church- Failing to Build a Preparation Environment

Season #7

Your local church environment can be a fertile environment or it can be like the classic stony ground. Folks can come and take root or they can bounce away into the wind. Here are 19 different stupid things that I...
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Why People Will Vote or Will Not Vote for Your Church- It is the Economy Stupid!

Season #7

In the ministry, people vote with their feet. There are many, many things that can cause a person to walk away. There are also some simple things that can be done to help people "buy in" to your church. In this...
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Vibrant or Non Vibrant? Four Things to Do IN YOUR SERMON to Create Engagement and Participation

Season #7

Creating a participation environment come from a well thought out sermon. Here are four things a pastor can do in his sermon that will demonstrate that the church is anticipating participation. Resources Mentioned:...
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Dying Churches- A Missing Ingredient to Keep the Grim Reaper at Bay- Sermon Prep vs. Sunday Prep

Season #7

Dying churches are everywhere. Many of them are missing a key ingredient. They have sound doctrine, good music and fine people, but they have fallen prey to "regularism." The magnetism of "preparation" has been...
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Rescuing an Almost Closed Church- How Sunday Prep Differs from Sermon Prep- Eric Ross Interview

Season #7

The church was down to about 4 people. It was just about closed. Here is the story and some of the techniques that turned things around.
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How Pastors Can Excel at Building One-on-One Relationships-Create Strong and Healthy Spiritual Bonds

Season #7

There is great power in a church that has strong and healthy relationships. doesn't come by accident. Learn several practical ways your local church have be a haven of beautiful one-on-one relationships....
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How to be Relationally Savvy - People Smart vs Theologically Smart - 4 Tips for Church Leaders

Season #7

Yes, you need to know your doctrine and your Bible. But there is more! Yes much more! Some church leaders can tend to miss the fact that they need to be "people smart" as well. In this episode, you will discover...
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4 Ways Pastors Should Be Connecting in Their Community Every Single Week.-- Church Outreach Hacks --

Season #7

Connecting with a community is an essential part of a local church's mission. We are to be the light of the world and a city on the hill. This episode covers four practical ways that pastors can lead their church in...
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The Single Common Denominator for Spiritual Success-Daily Devotions Made Easy- #1 Bible Study Method

Season #7

Did you know the common thing found in long-term successful Christians is not their attendance record at a local assembly. It is their mediation on the things of God from his Word. In this episode you can learn a...
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How is the Local Church to Handle the Illegal Immigration Crisis? - The Border the Bible and Biden -

Season #7

If every state is a border state, then every church is a border church. Join the discussion of the Biblical view of asylum, amnesty and the response our churches should be giving. Resources mentioned:...
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Sunday School Teacher Training- How to Conduct a 3-Hour, Children's Worker Training Event- Template

Season #7

Training Sunday School Teachers is EVERY local church's top priority. We must invest in our youth. The future is coming and IT IS THEM! This episode will give you a step by step plan to run a 3 hour, Saturday training...
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