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The Better Sundays Podcast

The Better Sundays Podcast

Hosted by: Mike Holmes

Focused, practical and usable advice for churches that are looking to reach new, young families and impact their communities.


Two Things Hungry Church Planters Have that Established Churches Have Lost

Season #7

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A Pastors Greatest Fear- Becoming a Stagnant and Motionless Church

Season #7

One of the greatest fears a pastor can face is having 2024 be just like 2023. Ugh! No way! I want to be in action! Here is some advice from my heart.
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How to Become the Optimal You- I Am Here for You- Back to Church Crash Course Introduction

Season #7

Here is a little piece of my heart. I want to be a blessing to your church. This is the first Back-to-Church Crash Course intro video.
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How to Lower the Average Age of Your Church- Simple Tips for Adding Young Families on Sunday Morning

Season #7

According to many researcher the average age of church attender has been on the rise for the last several decades. You may have many gray heads and they certainly are appreciated, but in your heart you want a few more...
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A Sermon Long Remembered is Better than a Sermon Soon Forgotten- Helping Them Remember What You Said

Season #7

If your Bible message stays in their heart and mind longer, that is s good thing. Here are some practical tips to help your listeners to never forget the words you have labored and prayed over.
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Is It a Sin for Church to Be Boring? Whose to Blame? Yikes!

Season #7

In America, one of the biggest complaints about church is that it is boring. I can attest that I have been at many, many boring services. The question we need to address is, "How to we "solve boring" with going into...
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Zoom Training: Beat the Routine: Three keys making the holiday season magnificent. Christmas Success

Season #7

Join Mike Holmes on a zoom training call with the ReachKeep Academy. Learn three ways to beat the routine that plagues so many churches and pastors during this holiday season.
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How pastors can get folks to come and listen to the next several sermons. Sermon promotion made easy

Season #7

You work so hard to create a message and then folks don't show up. Here is an innovative way for a church planter or any pastor to get folks aware of what is coming the next few weeks.
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Why Your Sunday Morning Church Service SHOULD Be Like a Funeral! -- Agree or Disagree?

Season #7

Church for the unchurched can often be uncomfortable, but it does not need to be confusing or awkward. Learn from your funeral services how to make a Sunday morning church service more effective.
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4 Things Pastors Need to be Seeing on Sunday Mornings- Once you see them it is hard to "unsee" them!

Season #7

There are plenty of things for a pastor to do on the typical Sunday morning. Here is a list of four things you do not want to miss! Resources Mentioned:How to deal with Clutter...
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• Part 4 of 4 • How to Get Normal People to Come to Church-

Season #7

Normal people in this world don't think at all like churchy folks. Being immersed in the world of "church' and "ministry" tends to make you presume everyone should just come to church because it is the right thing to...
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• Part 3 of 4 • How to Get Normal People to Come to Church-

Season #7

Normal people in this world don't think at all like churchy folks. Being immersed in the world of "church' and "ministry" tends to make you presume everyone should just come to church because it is the right thing to...
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